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Pink Salmon Guidelines


Although none have been reported in the Uist catchment area. The following information from the fisheries management board may be useful.

This is to let you know that we have updated our web page on Pink salmon, in anticipation of the potential for these fish to arrive again during 2021 – see Pink Salmon In Scotland.

The Fisheries Management Scotland guidance, which is linked to on the web page, has also been updated and you will see that a reporting app has been developed to allow any records of Pink salmon to be easily recorded, including the ability to record location and upload images. The app is compatible with PCs and mobile devices. Any reports we receive on Pink salmon incidences will be shared with the relevant DSFB/Trust.



2022 Club Awards

Club Champion (Shaw Cup) Steve Clarke

Runner Up (A. MacDonald Trophy) Alastair MacLeod

Heaviest Brown Trout (Shield) Rob Rennicks

Heaviest Sea Trout (D. MacDonald Cup) Alastair MacLeod

Heaviest Brown Trout Basket (Tennant Trophy) Alastair MacLeod

Heaviest Salmon (Stag Lodge Trophy) Not awarded

Solstice Outing (G. MacDonald Trophy) David Gardner

Ladies Rose Bowl Rhoda Campbell

Attendance (D. Cockburn Trophy) David Gardner

Pollock Trophy Not awarded




The club are planning to start a juniors section. If interested please fill in the form on this link.



The club are planning to start a juniors section. If interested please fill in the form on this link.



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