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Newton Estate

Recommended Flies and Tackle

Traditional wet fly patterns do well. Depending on which loch you fish almost anything will have its day. Your fly box should have a selection of Bumbles, Zulus, Bibios, Kate McLaren, Invictas and Black Pennell which are some of our favourites. You should also have some flashier flies such as a Peter Ross, Alexandria and Teal, Blue and Silver for the brackish waters. Depending on the wave on the water all sizes from 8 to 14 will do fine.  You shouldn't need anything other than a 9-10 foot rod with floating and intermediate lines, some 2-6lb casts and a map. The only loch that can be waded safely is Loch an Aongais and isn't necessary on any of the others. You should travel light and explore the miles and miles of shoreline
Newton Estate comprises the large area of Lochportain and beyond, providing the angler with innumerable lochs to choose from (see NUAC map). These lochs vary in nature but many of them rarely see an artificial fly. Many are within easy reach of the road while others give the opportunity to combine hill walking with fishing. Most lochs contain free-rising brown trout with the occasional loch presenting more of a challenge with larger, more elusive trout. NUAC has recommended some lochs below but this does not mean that others are not well worthwhile exploring.
There is always the chance of a sea trout and salmon on some of the waters on Newton Estate.  However NUAC only retains the right to brown trout. Any sea trout or salmon caught  should be carefully returned to the water.

A brief description of some of the lochs.

Loch Fada  (NF 883 711)

Loch Fada is reached by the road beside the water treatment works (Blashaval) and  will bring you directly to the boat.

Loch Fada is an expansive water that is very prolific. It contains large numbers of average sized trout, with some larger specimens. Small numbers of sea trout, salmon and char are present. We suspect that ferox trout may also be present, particularly in and around the deep holes. The topography of the loch is varied. Generally speaking, the north basin shelves rapidly to 6m relatively close to the shore. Fish may be taken within casting distance of the shore. The south basin contains areas up to 13m in depth. The most productive fishing is located on the shelving shorelines. Please be aware that rowing between the north and south basin can take up to two hours! There are many high banks that provide good shelter on windy days but be careful of large deep crevasses in the peat when walking.

Recommended Areas
Amongst the islands and reefs to the west of the loch try drifts from the north shore to the island shelves. The water round the many reefs and islands in the channel between the north and south basin often holds good-sized fish. Shore fishing all round but in particular towards the north shore skerries and underwater reefs located 3-6m out
Loch An Duin  (NF 893 733)

The boat is positioned directly at the Lochportain road. Be careful at the narrow entrance 70 metres from the boats berth as the boat may bottom at low tide. With an influx of seawater at the road, Loch an Duin is a brackish loch which promotes good growth in fish. The angler may encounter sea species (mainly Pollack and Coalfish) and sea trout on occasions. Loch an Duin is a large water that shelves steeply and has a very indented coastline. The loch can produce specimen trout if conditions are right but equally it can be dour to fish. The Duin (fort) on the loch is of historic interest. Lochs Armuinn and Deadmans Loch at the top of the loch are also well worth fishing.

Recommended Areas

Fish can be encountered almost anywhere but along shores, promontories and around islands should be productive.
Geireann Mill Loch  (NF 844 733)

The loch is 7.4 miles (12km) from Lochmaddy on the Westside road towards Sollas. The boat is positioned on the north shore. Be careful of rocks which may be at the surface or immediately sub-surface as the water level of the loch varies. Geireann Mill is a large loch, giving much scope to the angler who may fish either the various arms of the loch or the main loch itself. There is a salmon and sea trout run into the loch but NUAC retains only the rights to brown trout. The loch has both scenic beauty and sites of historic interest.

Recommended Areas

The shallower water round the shore is worth investigation, as is the deeper water in the main loch, particularly around the many skerries and islands.
Loch an Aongais  (NF 857 740)

This loch which lies to the north of Geireann Mill has a Duin (ancient fort) on it and holds some good fish. Wading is easy and safe around the loch but you should take care when fishing the roadside shore because of the overhead power lines. The extensive reed beds die away in the winter only to reappear and make the loch progressively difficult to fish during late summer.

Recommended Areas

Round the fringes of the reed beds, the duin and the south and west shores.
Depth Charts
Fish Caught
This is just a small selection of the more popular Newton lochs as there are too many to list.

Click for Newton Map & Info


The club are planning to start a juniors section. If interested please fill in the form on this link.



The club are planning to start a juniors section. If interested please fill in the form on this link.



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