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Outings 2024

For details of meeting places download this doc

Times are fishing times meet 10-15 min earlier

Dates with an * are team events contact secretary if interested in going.

Grid references are for meeting and weigh in locations parking can be limited at these spots.



Date 2nd March
Location Lochs Ciste,Geireann,Skealter   NF 907 684
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 8 anglers. Bright cool day with a breeze. The odd tug and pull but no fish weighed in.
Date 9th March
Location Ard heisker/Kyles/Horisary sea pools NF 763 675
Time 10:30-14:30
Outcome 6 anglers. Bright with a cool brisk breeze. Only one tug reported.
Date 16th March
Location Loch Magarlan NF 726 702
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 2 anglers. Bitterly cold east wind. No fish seen.
Date 23rd March
Location Loch Eaval NF 722 708
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 3 anglers. Strong cold northerly wind. 3 small trout caught and returned.
Date 30th March
Location Loch Oban nam Fiadh NF 840 635
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 4 anglers. Cold easterly breeze. 4 trout caught best at about 14oz. 1 sea trout at about 1.5 lbs lost.
Date 6th April
Location Oban a Chlachain NF811 640
Time 1000-1400
Remarks Pollock Trophy
Outcome 1 angler. Gale force winds. No fish caught
Date 13th April
Location Loch Obisary NF 891 631
Time 1000-1400
Remarks Club boats moved.
Outcome No one fished poor conditions yet again.
Date 20th April
Location Tormasad Lochs  NF 822 649
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 8 anglers. Bright with a slight breeze. 2 small trout returned.
Date 27th April
Location Loch Scolpaig NF 734 748
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 5 anglers. Bright and calm but cold. 10 small trout best at 12oz.
Date *4th May
Location Loch Sandary NF 737 685
Time 1100-1500
Remarks vs. SUAC (1st leg) Soup and Sandwiches at Westford Afterwards
Outcome NUAC 16 oz SUAC 116.1 oz
Date *11th May
Location Benbecula
Time TBC
Remarks vs SUAC and SAA (Poachers shield 1st leg) D
Outcome SAA 84.1 oz SUAC 8.6 oz NUAC 0 oz
Date 18th May
Location Lochportain Loch an Duin and Loch na Caigann NF 949 722
Time 1000-1400
Outcome Several small fish caught as expected. Wind from north.
Date 22nd May
Location Loch Bhrusda NF 921 825
Time 1800-2200
Remarks Berneray (Wednesday evening)
Outcome Not fished due to weather
Date 25th May
Location Loch na Faoileag (Grimsay) NF 865 570
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 4 Anglers. Bright with a breeze. 21 fish caught ranging from 6oz to 1.5 lb.
Date 1st June
Location Locheport Lochs Buaile Dubhe, Laire Bhain and Dubh Noc Na Faile   NF 872 631
Time 1000-1400
Remarks 3 Anglers. Bright with NW breeze 19 fish caught ranging from 6oz to 13oz
Date 8th June
Location Loch Leodasay and Oban Irpeig NF 814 631
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 4 anglers. Cool wind NW 8 fish caught with best at 2Lb.
Date 15th June
Location TBC work party
Date 21st June
Location Loch Hosta
Time 1800-2200
Remarks Solstice (Friday Outing)
Outcome 5 anglers. Fresh South wind. 2 fish caught at 1 and 1.5 lb
Date *29th June
Location Lewis/Harris Poachers shield 2nd leg
Time 7am ferry out 18:30 return ferry
Remarks Please let secretary know if interested in attending.
Outcome South Uist win leg but Stornoway win over all
Date 6th July
Location Loch Bhiorain NF 734 693
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 2 anglers. Cool North Wind. 4 fish caught with best 2 at a lb
Date 13th July
Location Lochs Vergavat and Hungavat NF 887727
Time 1000-1400
Outcome No one fished
Date 20th July
Location Geireann Mill Sea Pool NF 844 736
Time 1100-1500
Outcome 6 Anglers. Overcast, gentle Westerly breeze. 6 small seatrout caught best 3/4 lb
Date 27th July
Location Loch Eisiadair lochs NF 805 741
Time 1000-1400
Remarks Park on grass at side of track as far up track as you feel comfortable track gets rougher further up.
Date 3rd August
Location Loch Paible
Time 1130-1530
Remarks This is an any legal method outing. Contact Secretary. for Meeting point wind direction dependent.
Date 10th August
Location Loch an Duin NF 894 733
Time 1000-1400
Date 17th August
Location Loch Dusary NF 894 733
Time 1000-1400
Date 24th August
Location Kirkibost sea pools NF 787 652
Time 1500-19000
Date 31st August
Location Loch Aonghais
Time 1000-1400
Date *7th September
Location vs SUAC (2nd leg)
Time TBC
Date 14th September
Location Lochs an Toim/ Faing Buidhe NF 787 659
Time 1000-1400
Date 21st September
Location South Baleshare NF 780 616
Time 1400-1800
Date 28th September
Location Oban a Chlachain NF 811 640
Time 1400-1800
Date 5th October
Location North Baleshare sea pools NF 803 627
Time 1330-1630
Date 12th October
Location Upper Skealter (Garbh - abhainn) NF 883 677
Time 1000-1400
Remarks Subject to water levels
Date 19th October
Location Carinish and Grimsay sea pools NF 849 583
Time 1230-1630
Date 26th October
Location Loch Vausaray NF 742 686
Time 1000-1400

Date 2nd March
Location Lochs Ciste,Geireann,Skealter   NF 907 684
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 8 anglers. Bright cool day with a breeze. The odd tug and pull but no fish weighed in.
Date 9th March
Location Ard heisker/Kyles/Horisary sea pools NF 763 675
Time 10:30-14:30
Outcome 6 anglers. Bright with a cool brisk breeze. Only one tug reported.
Date 16th March
Location Loch Magarlan NF 726 702
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 2 anglers. Bitterly cold east wind. No fish seen.
Date 23rd March
Location Loch Eaval NF 722 708
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 3 anglers. Strong cold northerly wind. 3 small trout caught and returned.
Date 30th March
Location Loch Oban nam Fiadh NF 840 635
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 4 anglers. Cold easterly breeze. 4 trout caught best at about 14oz. 1 sea trout at about 1.5 lbs lost.
Date 6th April
Location Oban a Chlachain NF811 640
Time 1000-1400
Remarks Pollock Trophy
Outcome 1 angler. Gale force winds. No fish caught
Date 13th April
Location Loch Obisary NF 891 631
Time 1000-1400
Remarks Club boats moved.
Outcome No one fished poor conditions yet again.
Date 20th April
Location Tormasad Lochs  NF 822 649
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 8 anglers. Bright with a slight breeze. 2 small trout returned.
Date 27th April
Location Loch Scolpaig NF 734 748
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 5 anglers. Bright and calm but cold. 10 small trout best at 12oz
Date *4th May
Location Loch Sandary NF 737 685
Time 1100-1500
Remarks vs. SUAC (1st leg) Soup and Sandwiches at Westford Afterwards
Outcome NUAC 16 oz SUAC 116.1 oz
Date *11th May
Location Benbecula
Time TBC
Remarks vs SUAC and SAA (Poachers shield 1st leg) D
Outcome SAA 84.1 oz SUAC 8.6 oz NUAC 0 oz
Date 18th May
Location Lochportain Loch an Duin and Loch na Caigann NF 949 722
Time 1000-1400
Outcome Several small fish caught as expected. Wind from north.
Date 22nd May
Location Loch Bhrusda NF 921 825
Time 1800-2200
Remarks Berneray (Wednesday evening)
Outcome Not fished due to weather
Date 25th May
Location Loch na Faoileag (Grimsay) NF 865 570
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 4 Anglers. Bright with a breeze. 21 fish caught ranging from 6oz to 1.5 lb.
Date 1st June
Location Locheport Lochs Buaile Dubhe, Laire Bhain and Dubh Noc Na Faile   NF 872 631
Time 1000-1400
Remarks 3 Anglers. Bright with NW breeze 19 fish caught ranging from 6oz to 13oz
Date 8th June
Location Loch Leodasay and Oban Irpeig NF 814 631
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 4 anglers. Cool wind NW 8 fish caught with best at 2Lb
Date 15th June
Location TBC work party
Date 21st June
Location Loch Hosta
Time 1800-2200
Remarks Solstice (Friday Outing)
Outcome 5 anglers. Fresh South wind. 2 fish caught at 1 and 1.5 lb
Date *29th June
Location Lewis/Harris Poachers shield 2nd leg
Time 7am ferry out 18:30 return ferry
Remarks Please let secretary know if interested in attending.
Outcome South Uist win leg but Stornoway win over all
Date 6th July
Location Loch Bhiorain NF 734 693
Time 1000-1400
Outcome 2 anglers. Cool North Wind. 4 fish caught with best 2 at a lb
Date 13th July
Location Lochs Vergavat and Hungavat NF 887727
Time 1000-1400
Outcome No one fished
Date 20th July
Location Geireann Mill Sea Pool NF 844 736
Time 1100-1500
Outcome 6 Anglers. Overcast, gentle Westerly breeze. 6 small seatrout caught best 3/4 lb
Date 27th July
Location Loch Eisiadair lochs NF 805 741
Time 1000-1400
Remarks Park on grass at side of track as far up track as you feel comfortable track gets rougher further up.
Date 3rd August
Location Loch Paible
Time 1130-1530
Remarks This is an any legal method outing. Contact Secretary. for Meeting point wind direction dependent.
Date 10th August
Location Loch an Duin NF 894 733
Time 1000-1400
Date 17th August
Location Loch Dusary NF 894 733
Time 1000-1400
Date 24th August
Location Kirkibost Sea Pools NF 787 652
Time 1500-1900
Date 31st August
Location Loch Aonghais
Time 1000-1400
Date *7th September
Location vs SUAC (2nd leg)
Time TBC
Date 14th September
Location Lochs an Toim/ Faing Buidhe NF 787 659
Time 1000-1400
Date 21st September
Location South Baleshare NF 780 616
Time 1400-1800
Date 28th September
Location Oban a Chlachain NF 811 640
Time 1400-1800
Date 5th October
Location North Baleshare sea pools NF 803 627
Time 1330-1630
Date 12th October
Location Upper Skealter (Garbh - abhainn) NF 883 677
Time 1000-1400
Remarks Subject to water levels
Date 19th October
Location Carinish and Grimsay sea pools NF 849 583
Time 1230-1630
Date 26th October
Location Loch Vausaray NF 742 686
Time 1000-1400


Membership for 2024 season now available

If any club members would be interested in Day trip to Harris for the 2nd leg of Poachers shield. It is on the 29th of June and would be all day 7am ferry return 19:30. Lunch and ferry all paid for by club. If interested contact secretary NUAC


Membership for 2024 season now available

If any club members would be interested in Day trip to Harris for the 2nd leg of Poachers shield. It is on the 29th of June and would be all day 7am ferry return 19:30. Lunch and ferry all paid for by club. If interested contact secretary NUAC


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