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The fishing on North Uist is controlled by two bodies.  North Uist Estate which controls the larger part of the available fishing and North Uist Angling Club who have the rights to fish Newton and Balranald Estates along with Loch Scolpaig. Fishing on all lochs is exclusively  by fly and there is no Sunday fishing.


                  Opens                Closes

Brown Trout             15th March           30th September

Sea Trout                 25th February       31st October

Salmon                    25th February       31st October


Brown trout under 25cm or 10 in and seatrout under 30cm or 12 in should be returned gently.  No bag limits are imposed although we would ask you to take only what you need.


Fishing permits can be bought and boats can be booked via permit page and boat booking page or through the Clubs official outlet, The Westford Inn (Tel:- 01876 580653) during business hours of 11am-11pm.  The Inn is situated halfway between Clachan and Bayhead on the A865.

The Permit prices for non members are £8.00 per day, £40.00 per week.  Boat hire is £25.00 per day plus a refundable deposit of £25.00 for a flotation jacket and any rowlocks which may be required

All anglers must complete a Catch Return Slip which is given with your permit or can be downloaded from here.  It must be submitted at the end of their session to the permit outlet or emailed to secretary.  We require this to improve our fishing and it is a condition of  the Clubs lease.
In addition to this
all visiting anglers must complete a Gyrodactylus Salaris Declaration and Lifejacket/Buoyancy Aid Declaration either at the permit outlet or downloaded from here.

A full info pack with maps and forms can be downloaded here


NUAC boats are generally blue, North Uist Estate boats are grey.  We have boats on the following lochs: Loch an Duin, Fada, Geireann Mill and Magarlan.
Oars, including spares and a bailing bucket are stored under the boat seats and should be replaced there after use.  The boats should be secured before leaving the loch and left in the condition you would wish to find them.  Any damage or problems with the boats should be immediately reported to the permit outlet.


The Club insists that all boat users should wear a flotation jacket. Outboards are permitted on both Newton and Balranald waters. We would advise caution however as there is potential for damage to the boats by hidden rocks, especially on Geireann Mill which has a number of sub surface skerries.  All anglers are encouraged to read the NUAC Health and Safety Policy Statement printed on the rear of the Declarations.


All of our lochs require access over croft land and you are asked to observe the Country Code.  Do not climb fences where a gate or stile is provided. Do not climb gates which are in working order. Close gates behind you but do not close gates which you find open.  Please take your litter home with you and remove old fishing line which may pose a danger to livestock and wildlife. You have the opportunity to fish in a beautiful and remote area with the possibility of not seeing another person all day. Please equip yourself with a map such as Ordnance Surveys Landranger 18 and let someone know where you are going and when you expect to return. Do not depend on mobile phone coverage.  The main thing is to go out and enjoy your days fishing!


The club are planning to start a juniors section. If interested please fill in the form on this link.



The club are planning to start a juniors section. If interested please fill in the form on this link.



boat booking boat booking